16 May #1 Digital Marketing Tip for Success on Social Media -Build Relationships
In this episode of “The Marketing Nerdz Podcast”, “Karan Dharamsi”, CEO of “The Marketing Nerdz” is going to speak about the “#1 Digital Marketing Tip for Success on Social Media”. He shares the importance of building genuine relationships with your target audience, using one of his personal experience that he came across on his twitter account.
Be it any social media platform, it is very important that you avoid this #1 mistake most people make while building professional connections to their potential target audience.
For any individual on any social media platform, when you like their work or admire their lifestyle, you go ahead and follow them.
Similarly, people discover your profile and follow you. And to build a connection, you too follow them back as most of the times, they are from the same industry and share similar interests.
But, here’s what Karan experienced, which happens to be one of the most common mistake people make on social media platforms.
A lot of the connections messages were automated and came across too salesy, right at the start of a relationship.
He further shares an example explaining how sometimes, these messages can completely put the other person off. Sending out these connection messages is surely not a bad idea, but what may be wrong is the timing!
At the very beginning of any relationship, you would hardly know what your customers want, what are their pain points, what are they looking at achieving from your product and services.
Hence, if at the very start they are bombarded with automated, pushy messages, it will leave them with a negative association with your brand.
So, here is the #1 Digital Marketing Tip for Success on Social Media on how to avoid this mistake
Not everyone who builds a connection with you or your business comes in with an objective to buy from you and become your customer immediately. It can happen eventually, over a period of time, once you have built some connection and interaction.
Someone who has been genuinely connected with you for a long period of time would be more probable of getting converted, than someone whom you just sell at the very first instance.
When you are trying to build your professional network, you don’t want to come across as too salesy and pushy at the very beginning. Times have changed and all of us are now resistant to sales people.
We all hate being sold, remember?
Our co-founder Sandhya Valecha spoke at length about how people hate being sold to on our previous podcast :“how to increase your sales using digital marketing”
So yes, the #1 Digital Marketing Tip to Success on Social media is as simple as that, “always build genuine connections with your target audience”
Do not sell without even knowing if the audience actually needs it, never assume that everyone who connects to you has the same needs and wants.
Everyone might be fighting different pain points or may be looking for different solutions. So take the efforts to understand their needs, segment them and later offer them the right solutions. This would definitely lead to higher conversion rates and happier audience for your business.
So, here’s the summary for the #1 Digital Marketing Tip For Success on Social Media:
- Do not blindly sell or build connections for the sake of it
- Understand and study what your customers want, segment them accordingly
- Customize and personalize all your communication with your target audience
Using automated message is completely alright in this digital age, but frame your communication in such a way that the opposite person would willingly want to build a connection and take forward the relationship with you. People value customisation and personalisation over automated messages.
Gone are the day’s of generic automated responses!
By building genuine connection, your customers will value you and this is the only way to you can turn your customers into fans.
So, care genuinely and build the business of your dreams!